Business model out of silage by a FPO in a drought prone area

Spectacular success of a FPO pioneering a silage driven business model

This is an inspiring story of a Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) from Marathwada. This region has traditionally been prone to drought and hardly 10% of this region is under irrigation and has seen agrarian distress quite often. A FPO called Swarup Shetkari Farmer Producer Company Limited in this region has evolved as a successful business enterprise under the able leadership of Sh Deepak Chavan who left his job in the Pharma Industry to follow his passion after seeing opportunities in the agriculture sector. With a deep understanding of the agriculture situation in this region, Sh Deepak Chavan has been successful in turning challenges into opportunities for the farmers associated with his FPO. This FPO started a Silage unit in 2015 with support of the State govt under Maharashtra Agricultural Competitiveness Project (MACP) and kept on adding new business verticals thereon in successive years.

In this video, we will hear from Sh Deepak Chavan that how a fledgling FPO became a successful business enterprise in a short span. He provides specific guidance on how his FPO accessed various schemes of state and central government and raised funds for growing the business. His insights and advice are very valuable for all farmer
owned organisations and FPOs.

महाराष्ट्र के औरंगाबाद जिले से संचालित स्वरुप शेतकरी प्रोडूसर कंपनी ने 2015 में अपनी स्थापना के बाद से कई नए प्रयोग किए हैं और अन्य एफपीओ के लिए एक मॉडल बनाया है |
हरा चारा जिसमें नमी की पर्याप्त मात्रा होती है को हवा की अनुपस्थिति में जब किसी गड्ढे में दबाया जाता है तो किण्वन की क्रिया से वह चारा कुछ समय बाद एक अचार की तरह बन जाता है जिसे साइलेज कहते हैं। हरे चारे की कमी होने पर साइलेज का प्रयोग पशुओं को खिलाने के लिए किया जाता है।

Published by Sunil Khairnar

I have been working in the agribusiness, commodities and development sector in India for more than 27 years. I have a B. Tech in Agriculture Engineering and a Management Post Graduation from IIM Ahmedabad.